Escape From A Dark Cavern

I walk with people through all kinds of tough places. Some need me to assist them through midlife crises. Many are survivors from sexual and other kinds of abuse which has left them in incredible pain and without grounding as adults. I assist them to receive the Hand needed to lift them out of the…

My God Sighting

Plants burned. Some folk put potatoes in their trunks and baked them. Another guy wired a hot dog to his antenna and it roasted. It was a record-breaking heat wave. I took a four-mile walk with a good friend in the 114F temperatures. I felt like the hot dog! My car was not pleased with…

Look for the Rocks

How can you handle the anger at the lies and disinformation of this COVID season? What can we do in response? Where can we again find hope and refuge? Seeking answers myself, I remembered God. God made all the difference. Find the rocks upon which to stand.

The Man in the Box

Encountering death that at a funeral — the body of the deceased — found the abundant life of the stories surrounding him. 82 years of life can be summarized in a moment, so live well. Live intentionally. Live to bring honor to God.

Already There

That day, when I arrived at the pool at about 1 pm, Karen texted asking how my day had been.  By then I had been a part of three meetings, and a casual conversation, in addition to phone interactions. I responded:  “I’m battling with dark clouds although the day is beautiful outside. I’m feeling incredibly…