The Blessed Englishman

“You know, the English are not very nice,” she told me. “I was there, you know. And they were cold and uncaring.” The woman speaking to me after church at my wife’s congregation the day I flew out to England told me this sincerely. I was struck how easy it is for us to define…

Turlock? Really?

I awoke at 1:47 am but misread the time on my phone thinking it said 4:47 am. I felt like I had rested enough and knew to get up then would give me the needed time to pray, exercise, and take care of Zack, the dog, before I left for the airport. Karen was out…


I was at my wife’s mom’s house visiting, when the caregiver, Carol, told her story. Her son, Daniel, had entered the military and done a three year tour in Afghanistan. Those years had been filled with turmoil and fear for Carol. She had continued to turn to the Lord. Trusting. Praying and Trusting again. Daniel,…

Let’s Keep Christmas …

by Jean Shimer, my mom; written after Christmas, 1970 Pictured: Roger Shimer, Nancy Shimer (holding me, Brian, @ 9 mos old), and John Shimer Somebody said somewhere that life is just a succession of Christmases, and that is the way it seems some days. In the frantic rush that usually accompanies the preparations, I often…

A Wonderful Fragrance

The first time it occurred I thought it was Fred walking to the sauna. Fred is this big, jovial guy I’ve met at the gym. He’s lots taller than me, three times as wide, but it works on him, and has the kindest smile. Once as he walked by me after his shower this fragrance…

Jesus in a Bus Driver

(Guest Post written by Karen Shimer) I was having a rough week. Down, overwhelmed, challenged, a bit sad. I was out on a walk in a Beaverton neighborhood at 7 am. A school bus rounded the corner and stopped, ready and waiting for his first passenger. I looked down the street to my right, a…

Great is Thy Faithfulness

“Dad, did you hear what I chose for my processional music?”  “No, I didn’t,” I said, as we stood waiting our cue to walk in for the wedding rehearsal.  She named the songs before the processional and then said, “And for the processional, ‘Great Is Thy Faithfulness.’ So, we need to walk slowly. I want…

Covid-19 And Life

After a full day on Saturday, I went swimming Sunday morning at 6 am for an hour and drove home. Already we were planning to stay home from church because Karen had been sick, so when I arrived, I sat down. It was like I had been caught in a wave, suddenly I was underwater,…

A Swim Filled with Thanks

At 24-hour fitness I had a one-hour personal trainer session with Bryan the trainer manager at my club. It is a way for him to get new clients. He spent a half hour with me, taught me better stances, use of breath, and walked me around the club. At the sales portion of his presentation,…

Life Comes in Waves

Listening to my CEO doing a training I was suddenly struck with this fact — he is leading from his strengths. Of course, hopefully this is true for all of us in life, but I imagine many of us are not leading from our strengths but wishing we had different strengths. The only reason I…